Chiropractor Vancouver WA - A new treatment method can rid the body of back pain through sound energy or acoustic energy. The machine was developed in Germany and is called the Wellwave. The Wellwave devise produces compression waves of sound that stimulate pain nerves into submission. The result is calmer pain nerves thus less pain. Here is more information from the manufacturer.
Our clinic has been using the Wellwave technology in our practice for two years to help with back pain, neck pain, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, muscle pain, myofascial trigger points, and the like.
Chiropractor in Vancouver WA explains how pain in the back or neck are actually pains in the nerves. Nerves have the amazing ability to change their sensitivity levels. For example, a person can jump into a swimming pool and at first the water feels cold. So cold that it can take your breath away and prompts you to jump out of the pool. But if you can handle the cold for a period of time and stay in the pool, the nerves that sense cold and hot sensations will adjust to the cool water temperatures and the cold pool will no longer feel cold anymore. What happened? Did the temperature of the pool suddenly change? Or did the nerves in your body adjust to the new "normal" temperature of the environment in now inhabits? Yes, nerves can adapt and change their sensitivity. The same can be said for pain nerves.
Pain nerves that seem to be painful for no apparent reason can be modified to a less sensitive state resulting in less pain. How can you change the sensitivity of pain nerves? The answer is Motion!!! There is something that everyone has located in the nerves of their spinal cord called the Pain Gate. There are nerves deep in the spinal cord that allow pain signals to continue on to the brain or block pain signals from reaching the brain. If the brain does not receive the pain signal, you do not feel pain. This means the pain gate blocks the pain from reaching the brain. One way to block the pain signal in the spinal cord is MOTION. Moving spinal joints via spinal chiropractic adjustments turn "movement" nerves on (called mechanoreceptors). These mechanoreceptors can influence the nerves in the spinal cord at the pain gate which blocks pain signals. This is how chiropractic spinal adjustments help reduce and eliminate back pain (and neck pain). When you turn pain nerves off, sensitivity of the nerves normalize and you feel no more pain. Here is a good video about the pain gate.
Pain Gate Video
Another great video about how our body processes pain
Call me at 360-567-1739 if you need help figuring out your back pain and neck pain condition. First consultation is free. Most insurance accepted, auto insurance (after a car accident) covers treatments, workers compensation insurance (L&I in Washington state) also covers treatments.
Dr. Wade Burbank, Chiropractor *
6403 NE 117th Ave #108
Vancouver WA 98662
ph 360-567-1739
Vancouver WA Chiropractor helps elderly man in his 70's recovery from his back pain. The provided pain relief has helped him to continue to work as a custodian, even though he could retire, but chooses not too. The key to his back pain relief is gentle massage with traction at the same time. Special spinal traction equipment (known as Leander Table Flexion Distraction) and gentle massage techniques prepare the spine for corrective adjustments even a man in his 70's can benefits from. If you have been thinking about finally getting a chiropractor to check your spine, call 360-567-1739 for a free evaluation. Dr. Burbank has 20 years experience with treating people of all ages. The record is a 95 year old women who was helped by Dr. Burbank. Most insurance accepted.
Dr. Wade Burbank, Chiropractor *
6403 NE 117th Ave #108
Vancouver WA 98662
Vancouver, WA. - The patient's flu turned into pneumonia which caused three weeks of constant coughing. It was the coughing that led to the worse back pain and rib pains that persisted even after the pneumonia was gone. Coughing and sneezing can cause injury to ribs, intercostal muscle tears (aka- muscles tears between the ribs), inflammation and pain even when trying to breathe. This is a condition that requires a chiropractor. Rib injuries generally respond well to chiropractic adjustments. Ribs need to move in order for the lungs to fully inflate. Chiropractic adjustments restore rib mobility and reduce rib pain. Call for a free evaluation if you have rib pain. (360) 567-1739.
Dr. Wade Burbank, Chiropractor *
6403 NE 117th Ave #108
Vancouver WA 98662
ph 360-567-1739
A special combination of spinal adjustments, deep tissue medical massage and traction cures women of chronic back pain lasting 10 years following a car accident in 2004. These are the core treatments provided at our clinic that can even help tough back pain cases.
After 20 years in practice, the above combination of treatments is an important key to recovering from spinal pain and disability.
Call for a free consultation if you are suffering from long term spinal pain.
Dr. Wade Burbank, Chiropractor *
6403 NE 117th Ave #108
Vancouver WA 98662
ph 360-567-1739
People often wonder why they have recurring back pain or neck pain. How do you know if the pain will persist, return or just stay away? Recent research has concluded that back and neck pain is more like a condition similar to dental plaque and tooth decay. You can never say that you have brushed and flossed your teeth enough times in your life to permanently rid your teeth of plaque and decay. It just doesn't work that way. Dental health requires maintenance. You have to be actively involved in helping your teeth stay heathy. You also have to be actively involved in keeping you back healthy. A healthy back has strong muscles, discs, bones and ligaments. A healthy back has proper flexibility. A healthy back has healthy nerves. All these things require active involvement from the individual and periodic attention of a professional. Without professional guidance, back problems tend to recur and with each re-occurance the problem becomes worse and more frequent. Don't delay any longer, it usually doesn't fix itself if the pain keeps coming back.
Dr. Wade Burbank, Chiropractor *
6403 NE 117th Ave #108
Vancouver WA 98662
ph 360-567-1739